Senin, 19 September 2016

My favorite selfie

Hello, ladies and gentlemen
In todays posting , I am going to talk about "My favorite selfie".
First, I'd like to explain what a selfie is to me. Selfie means a photo that is unique; a photo which shows me and my friend being together and having lots of fun.
Thats why I chose this photo as my favorite "selfie".

This photo was taken during PMB, when I was with my pmb group. There were a few tough spots, but I managed to pull through thanks to encouragement from my friends.
I was nervous at first and things were akward between the members of the group.
But over time, we manage to find common ground and eventually become fast  friends. That's all I have to say to say about my favorite selfie; thank you very much for reading, and have a nice day .

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