Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

I Always Take it

Hello everyone, at this time i will tell you little bit of my life secret wkwkwkw. At this posting i will shre you a story about thr things that i always bring everywhere i go.
Lets guess it....
Yup, thats right. The first is hand phone or may people usually call it HP. This thing is sacied thing which i always bring it everywhere i go,hehe. because this thing is very sacied for me, im williing to not bring my wallet rather than my HP. I think, half of my life is in HP and i fell like i cannot go too far from this thing. Well i thing you understand the situation of teenanger of this era. Days without HP is the end of the world for this people , just like me hehehe

The other thing witch i have to bring no matter what is a thing bottle witch it makes me always feel confident at everywhere, trulhly, without this i already feel confident but not very much....... the this is my favorite parfume yeey. I cannot go very from this thing. I will tell you short story about this perfume. In my room, i have a place for tidy me up. In this place, i have one perfume for relax. White im my college bag, i put a small bottle for helping my activity at campus. So it always makes  me feel refrsh and there is one place, that place is motor cycle seat. In this motorcycle seat is for precaution, like eldest say, prepare umbrella before rain. So i think, these two things are my  most important things whenever i go somewhere. But its okay for me. Hoy about yours ? thank you for reading

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